your every single bad things, I miss you truly, fully, seriously.
Walking downtown, using your amazingly crazy public transportation, running under the rain, complaining about the amazing heat, eating til full with one bucks, I trully miss you.
The Yu-Es-of-Ah is incomparable to you.
I miss you truly.
Of eating meatballs in front of the school...
Of eating siomay...soto ayam...soto mie...rawon...tempe...gorengan...
Of taking ojeg during the rain...
Of watching kids playing under the the flooded road...
Of seeing sincere smile...for a thousand rupiah I people who need em...
Of crazy..for UN...
Of that crazy...sudden...traffic jam on my way to my piano lesson...
Of that excitement over drinking slurpee...
Of that humbleness of people...
Of that stupid politicians..being cocky over things they do not even do...
Of your food...
Of your traffic jam...
Of your unpredictable traffic...
Of your unpredictable weather...
Of your terrible drainage system...
Of your flood!
Of your Asian culture...
Of your politics...
Of your beliefs...
Of your exotic music...
Of your exotic foods...
Of your exotic places...some that I haven't explored yet...
Of your currency!
I miss you so much...
I miss how I go to the mall with Kopaja...and going back home with mikrolet.
I miss how muddy it sometimes be...when it is raining...
I miss how sometimes people so ignorant...that they even splashed the dirty rain drops...when I walked home...
I miss how people can greet meaningfully.
I miss how people say sorry...and apologize...truly from the deepest part of their heart...
I miss how condolences mean more...through each single 'sorry'...
Of how hugs mean more...cause we rarely hugs!
Of how first kiss being very important...cause we rarely kiss!
Of how sorry means more...cause we rarely tell people about how we dislike others' actions!
Jakarta, I miss you.
This is my statement.
My statement for you, my dear Jakarta.
Jakarta! Jakarta! Jakarta!
Please do not change...
Please just get...a lil bit better...
Drive those crazy politicians away..
Make your king...a sincere politician...knowing what he's going to do...knowing that he's...a servant to the whole city.
I like this post! Merry christmas MJ!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas juga lex! lo suka design baru blog gw? gw pusing ini diutak atik fontnya gka berubah. HAHAHAHA. jadi gw pasrah ajah udah begini. (palingan ntar juga gw bosen terus gw ganti lagi)
ReplyDeletebagus kok designnya, cuma yg headernya aja agak gelap gitu jd ga gitu keliatan judulnya...
ReplyDeletelex, gw kepengennya udah kasih pass sama id ke elu terus minta dieditin. HAHA. mumpung punya temen anak IT...