Yeah, I'm one of those people who think while they talk.
So, my ideas become solid as I talk about them.
Here's what I figured out as I talked endlessly for a while:
On Faith
Faith is like knowing that there is something good at the end of the race.
Although you know not what this good thing is, you keep on running with this good thing as a motivation.
It's like, you work really hard before summer starts. You work hard, you study hard, you workout hard.
Yet, you don't know what you're going to do doing summer - well, except if you're one of those people who already planned out what you're going to do doing summer, from May til August.
But yeah, faith is like knowing that there is something good, who knows what that is, yet you keep on thinking about it and imagining yourself having it.
On Relationship with God
My relationship with God is like my relationship with my parents.
They existed before I exist.
They were born before I was born
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1: 1-5They know everything about me: where I was born, my first word that I uttered as a baby, the first time I walked, etc. Yet, I know nothing about theirs - well, at least I don't. I don't know if you do. Maybe you do.
As we grow older, we get curious. We want to know more about our parents: to dig deeper in our relationship with them.
(I do want to know them more. I want to listen to their stories, to learn from their experiences. You may not; I do.)
On Instinct and Knowledge
Growing closer to God is like trying to not just follow my instinct, but actually know more about the teachings.
In this aspect, I can't separate my piano stuff with this issue.
I had a talk with my teacher during my lesson. Well, I always talk to her during the lesson. That's normal. However, lately our talk has been somewhat deeper than it used to be.
*slapping my own face*
Back to topic.
I always thought before that doing music shouldn't rely on instinct alone.
Which is true.
It is indeed true.
However, I tend to forget that instinct matters.
All these silly classes that I take in college don't actually matter that much.
All information I gained in music classes should be used to help me getting better at interpreting the music.
(and of those terms I learned in class? I can always look them up on Google)
Making music is so much fun then just knowing all these theories. Making music gets better when we apply all these things into our own way of learning music.
It is so much easier to understand the music when we have the tools to understand where the music is going, where the climaxes are, what to do with each phrases, how to play it stylistically, etc, etc.
Everybody knows about God (or to be safe, most people know about God).
It's like an instinct that we're born with.
Yet, not everybody knows about the teachings of the Church.
By knowing these teachings, we (or at least, I) can finally know better about God: we will actually be able to define the things we know about faith and take the faith to a whole deeper level!
Instinct will always work, but with knowledge, it goes beyond of what we can imagine.
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I added Jacob's Dream pic because I wrote this stuff there. hooray! |
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