However, I gotta make it in English, so that my American friends will be able to read it :)
This is just a simple reminiscence of my journey to a land called United States.
Since, I'm not that diligent, yeah I just do not want to say that I'm lazy, I took this from my previous notes.
So this is my short journey to States ( ps i think i get a jetlag im just so not sleepy)
So I flied from Soekarno Hatta Airport at 7 pm and arrived in Abu Dhabi at 1 am. It was fun flying with etihad, they got lots of kissin's recording on it, lots of classical music stuff and movies and such but i was deceived and here why i did...
So in Abu Dhabi I and my brother got a delay. At first, we were asked to sit like good kiddos for 15 minutes...and 15 minutes...and 45 minutes...and we were told to get out of the plane...and we got delayed for 8 hours. Yes, freaking EIGHT hours. Luckily etihad has USB ports thus my brother was able to charge his ipod and we could play and send emails and such, yep the Abu Dhabi airport got a wifi service for free. Now, Ludwina Sari and Agung Permadhi have asked me what's Abu Dhabi looks like, yeah it just like the sims city, the houses are built in some lane, and it's cool, and ko tedi I was not in the domestic workers airport. :') oh and also we got free foods and drinksss, and as I'm a cheapskate, I took it! Oh and they give us coupons to eat, so we ended up eating Burger King and yeah twas awezome, Whopper jrnya with the same size as normal Whopper in Indonesia... Finally, we hopped into the plane and Paris.
So finally we arrived to Paris, Charles de Gaulle airport and it's freakin... normal. Yeah, the Paris airport is just soooo normal... What makes I was enthusiastic is that we're in Europeee, maaaannn it's freakin awezomeee... From the plane, I was able to see what it looked like in Europe; they got cam on the plane and eah it again like blocks and blocks of colorful plains, twas green, dark green, brown... See no Eiffel though, Laurensia Wirawan, if I ever saw Eiffel, I would freak out til the stewardess got mad at me. So finally yeah we were in Europe, with a sense of freedom as Napoleon thing, eh but for real, its air is way more fresher than Indo... After I hopped out of the plane, there were plane officers checking the passports. It was strange; they asked about visa, about where my destination is, about my States visa, about visa schangen...We thought of nothing...we thought everything was fine...and thus we went towards connecting flight place...and the fact was that...there was no connecting flight to States at that time! WTH! Yeah, the plane flied before we arrived in Paris. We had nowhere to go. We couldn't even get into the main airport building; we have no Europe visa, schangen visa. We got terrible issues too here: Fransozisch...the French...they are not good at all in English. Even if they are able to speak in English, they have terrible limited vocabulary of English. I got good news though, I'm able to speak in French : Excuzes-moi and Merci Beacoup... And the ex-cu-zeh mo-ahhh is of course means nothing at all. However, we finally someone who was able to speak English... And with his little vocab, but he helped us a lot... he even help us through the police officers though we cant get outside the airport since we have no visa, but yeah we end up sleeping inside the airport and got some food vouchers...and baguette? Believe me it's not that tasty. Oh yah, Paris' took a long time til sunset; the sunset was at 9 pm(a fact that I learned later that in places outside the equatorial line, the sunset is not at 6 pm as it is in Indonesia). We spent lots of time looking people passed by.
So eventually after spending a day in Paris, we finally flew to Dallas. Everything's just fine till we know that the ticket to Abilene costs 750/pax and that means 1500 for me and my brother! Gosh! So we finally end up unsure about what we shall do, we were planning to take the greyhound bus, or catch up a train, but the people in ACU were so freaked out when they know that we were delayed and stuff and we couldn't drive the car as we got no international driving license and so on, so finally this another kind guy in airport information center- a man named Joseph, he could speak 3 languages and he is some sort of volunteers- he helped us a lot by lending us our telephone and such...and he even helped us lying to the hotel shuttle guy, that La Quinta Hotel where we were supposed to meet my admission coordinator from campus. This one is quite funny, so the thing is that we actually cant take the bus shuttle since we made no reservation, but here Mr Joseph told us to not speak English much and pretending as if we didn't understand English and such... It worked though and we waited at the hotel, using their wifi for free and watched the TV free too...If they even asked if we wanted to drink something, we would certainly say yes.
So finally Mr and Mrs Walters picked me up and well they took us to eat some American food, twas nice and on a very big portion... And we rode the car for 3 hours. The Walters... Yeah actually I felt bad for making them taking us from DFW but we got no choice so yeah finally we were there in Abilene, took a short peek and tour about the campus and have a nice shower and sleep at their house...and that's exactly how my life begins here :)

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