Just a small reminder: my teacher once said...

I just don't want these words to get lost somewhere in my life...so I write'em here.
Not all of the stuffs...partially, the important stuffs.
It's from one of the most important people in my life.
note: it's full of grammatical error. don't mind it.
2nd note: he really typed these stuffs with capital letters. I just basically typed it just as he typed it.

Dear all my wonderful students:
The road we have chosen is not an easy one.
Not many will go this path.
Lots of sacrifices, frustration, boredom, fear, stress, etc.

at the end, at its due time,
we will rejoice in its unsurpassed joy and satisfaction,
of  being able to re-tell human stories with our music
and there are plenty of both wonderful and tragic stories
that surely enough can move people's souls and minds so that together,
we make this world a better place to live harmoniously.

Music is what make us more human...
SO DON'T PLAY LIKE A MACHINE, empty with no soul...

for it will be short-lived and won't equal to our labor
It ends only to dissatisfaction because it is going to be never enough praises to gain!
Trust me, I have ever gone to this wrong journey...

Wish you all my best, dears!
March 30, 2011.

ps. oh well, I ended typing the whole stuffs. nbd.

that's a pretty old pic of my teacher and I


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Meet The Author

Michelle Josephine Sulaiman
19, almost 20.
Stranded in Abilene, TX after a long flight from Jakarta, ID.
9723.78 miles.
Ad veritatem per caritatem '11.