My Plea as a Fellow Follower of The Way

As much as I love Jesus, I do despise a good number of Christians.

Here's the problem that we have with our religion: we judge people, we tell them that what they did was wrong, and so on and so on.

I'm tired of having an aunt who judged me for playing with pokemon.
I'm tired of being judged for things I used to do (and stopped to do).

How long do you think people can handle judgmental opinions?
This is what makes Christians regarded as hypocrites.
We judge people way too much. 

What people need are (most often) not other lectures regarding faith.
People have had enough of pastors talking about how you should do this and that.
What people (like me) need is a person who will listen to the stories that I have (psych term: active listening) and walk together with them. freaking. walk. together.

If we're saying that our God is a living God, then we need to bring him into our daily lives.
If we're saying that our God is a merciful God, then we need to be merciful to others.
If we're saying that our God is a God that loves everybody, then we need to love people unconditionally.

Unconditional love is what people need to heal themselves, not another lecture of how sinful a person is.

I know that I sound angry. Well, I am.

Anyway, I believe that everybody is struggling with their own faith.
I am struggling yet I want to grow deeper to God.

All I simply want is people who are just simply happy to listen to my stories and questions regarding faith...not another person telling me what is wrong, especially when the person studies the Bible literally. (And I happen to be blessed to know these two kinds of people)

So, this is what I ask of you. A favor that I'm asking.

Please let me walk in this own path of faith that I'm struggling with.
I don't need to be reminded about my struggle.
I feel and think about it every day.

All I need is people who want to walk beside me...not yelling at me from behind.

If you want to stay behind, I don't mind. Just stop yelling out loud with your hoarse voice.
I want to move forward with my faith.

I do not want to have a blind faith. I want to have a faith of the living God.


  1. Wow! This is your best post so far MJ, and I'm totally agree with this... no less! You know what? I also have someone who judge me like that, and it's tiring! hahahaha... good job, keep searching for your faith :D



Meet The Author

Michelle Josephine Sulaiman
19, almost 20.
Stranded in Abilene, TX after a long flight from Jakarta, ID.
9723.78 miles.
Ad veritatem per caritatem '11.