Surviving Jakarta 101: Gastronomy

Since I think that I shall be productive tonight, I wanna post more stuffs to this blog.

*throwing a random hand sign to make me look like a cool Asian*

Common FAQ:

Q: Do Asians eat rice everyday?
A: Yes, ma'am. We eat rice everyday. That's the evidence. Rice+chicken+tofu+some stir fried veggies
FYI, Spanish rice is different from Jasmine or other Asian variety o rice.

Please consult our representative for more info about this product:

Q: What are these golden stuffs?
A: It is called Durian. A legendary spiked fruit which is unable to be taken to most public places - in Thailand: motel+hotel for instance, in Singapore: MRT- because of its ridiculously-super saiyan strong-odor. Most Asians like it. It is a dangerous being if you eat it while sipping beer, for real, you can die. (especially since some Asian beers are better than *cough* beers)
There are several varieties of it. There are some good stuffs from Medan, Indonesia or from Thailand. All I know is that they are ridiculously expensive, taste like liquor, make you drowsy and pretty easily obtained.

For more info of this product, please kindly consult our company's representative:

Q: Do Asians have legal drinking age?
A: Yes, ma'am. Actually we do, but nobody cares. (It's 21 just as US of A)

Q: Is that Dragon roll?
A: Yes ma'am. It's dragon roll and it's even better than what you imagined. It consists of avocado, rice, something else and unagi - eel.Oh Sushi Tei, if only your price is reasonable...

Q: What is makimono/makizushi?
A: It is something good and cheaper than cool rolls such as Dragon rolls or Volcano rolls. I hope it helps you to be inquisitive and thus rendering you weaken to the greatness of makimono.

Q: What kind of blasphemy is this?
A: Oh, it's just a roll that everybody get when they go to Sushi Tei in their birthday week.

Q: Why do you eat rice...with some weird looking red meat?
A: Mind your own business, ma'am. You're one talkative inquisitive being. That's Nasi Campur - literally means Mixed Rice. Yeah, awkward. That's Nasi Hainam - Hainam Rice, pretty different with usual rice. There are some veggies - sour, FYI- roasted pork, sweetened red pork and half-an-egg. It tastes so freakin good that I wanna eat it once a week, well not really.

Q: What in the earth are you eating? Dirt?
A: That's gado-gado. I guess it's a food originally from Jakarta. A mixture of lontong - cylinder shaped rice, cut into slices, tempe - some good stuffs you hardly able to buy in US of A and other veggies - boiled kangkung / bayam-spinach or stuffs.

Please kindly contact our representative to know more about this product:

Q: Why did you post two pictures of this gado-gado?
A: Oh, it's our company's policy. We want to make sure that you're able to see the stuffs in that plate. Oh and anyway, that 's Gado-gado Cemara: it's pretty good and famous among Jakarta old folks.


  1. need... higher... camera... quality... hahahahaha...

  2. are you talking to a broke college student? lol I know, I will try to buy one while I'm back in Indo or maybe I'll just buy one later via amazon lol



Meet The Author

Michelle Josephine Sulaiman
19, almost 20.
Stranded in Abilene, TX after a long flight from Jakarta, ID.
9723.78 miles.
Ad veritatem per caritatem '11.