I got A+ in arrogance exam!

It's so easy to be arrogant.

Get an A+ in exam? I'm starting to be arrogant to those who are not.
Always be praised by your professors? I'm starting to be arrogant to those who are not, again.
Always be praised by your peers about how wonderful your piano playing is? I'm starting to be arrogant, yet, again.

It's always easy to become arrogant. It's always easy to feel that I'm superior to others.

Isn't it easy for y'all to feel superior knowing that you have the latest gadget from Apple? Or the greatest Mac Pro? Thus, taking everything for granted and not praising every little things that those who don't have praises every day?

It's so easy to feel arrogant over your gifts...which you will later realized that you're not using your gifts for the sake of others nor the one who give you the gifts. You're using the gifts for your sake. Yet, it is so easy to have your gifts snatched away. What is a pianist without his/her hands? What are singers without their vocal cords?

I can not say that I'm not getting arrogant over everybody's praise. I'm easily getting big headed, even from small praises from my piano teachers.
I know I'm starting to be arrogant after my friends asked me how I could get A+ in my exam.
I know I'm starting to be arrogant after my friends played before me in the piano seminar (a class designed for playing the piano pieces in front of the peers), and I know that she lacked lots of things.

It's easy to be arrogant like Pharisees, acting as if you're the holiest person ever...compared to the rest of your friends. Dang. 

I know this post may be strange, it just occupied my head this whole morning. 


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Meet The Author

Michelle Josephine Sulaiman
19, almost 20.
Stranded in Abilene, TX after a long flight from Jakarta, ID.
9723.78 miles.
Ad veritatem per caritatem '11.